State Officer Update: We are Thankful for… California FFA!

By Piper Lakey, State FFA Reporter

In November, our State Officer Team had the wonderful opportunity to attend several events, beginning with the 96th Annual National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our responsibilities during the convention included being part of the national delegate process. The 2023-2024 state officers, 2022-2023 state officers, and members chosen through an application process served as the assigned delegates to represent California. California, with its 43 voting delegates, holds the second-highest count in the nation, a figure determined by state membership numbers that change each year.

Delegates actively participated in committee meetings, CA FFA members at National Conventionexercised their voting rights during the business session, and enjoyed a close-up view of the convention stage. Among our team's cherished moments was witnessing California members receive recognition for their hard work and dedication. We were especially delighted to see Adrian Soto from Santa Rosa, our National Talent winner, deliver a captivating mariachi performance on stage. Another highlight of the National Convention was the Expo, where colleges and businesses showcased opportunities for FFA members in the future. 

Following the National Convention, the state officer team set out on chapter visits, dividing into three groups to visit schools across the San Joaquin Region. Austin and Sierra visited Kerman High School, Sydney, and Thomas visited the Clovis FFA Chapter, and Makena and Piper visited Minarets High School. During these visits, officers conducted workshops and explored the agriculture programs at each school.

Recently, the team attended a dinner event for the “Seeds of Impact” initiative, celebrating John and Gail Kautz. The donations raised at this fundraiser will support various FFA programs, including SAE grants, FFA jackets, State Conference scholarships, and more. The very next day, our journey took us to the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, providing us with insights that will help us plan this year’s State FFA Leadership Conference. It’s going to be amazing! 

Our team is profoundly thankful for these experiences and the chance to serve California this year.


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Agricultural education strives to maintain its status on the cutting-edge of rigorous classroom instruction, relevant skill acquisition and premier leadership development. Check out the expansive and evolving catalog of resources to generate new ideas, enhance curriculum delivery skills or identify new ways to engage in FFA and SAE activities.


Beginning in the early 20th century in California, agricultural education has a long tradition of preparing students for rigorous, satisfying careers both within and outside of the industry. As a school-based learning program, agricultural education operates as a unit within the California Department of Education and is written into the state’s legislative education code.


Rich in history with an eye toward the future, California’s school-based agricultural education program seeks to prepare all students for satisfying careers in and outside of the agriculture industry. The multi-faceted approach to growing the whole person includes a focus on character and interpersonal skill development, technical acumen and critical thinking capabilities.



From personal growth to career skill enhancement, the focus of California’s agricultural education events is always on the experiential development of the student. With activities ranging from local to national, the statewide organization offers a number of premier events each year that are suited to best meet the interests of an ever-diversifying student population.


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The mission of the California FFA Foundation is to promote, aid, and assist, financially or otherwise, California FFA to ensure the success of Agricultural Education by preparing tomorrow's agricultural leaders, today.




California FFA Foundation’s goal is to provide individuals, businesses, foundations, and others the opportunity to invest in the premier secondary Agricultural Education leadership development program in California: FFA. The Foundation provides award recognition for student projects, competitive team events, leadership development events, as well as leadership training conferences.